Monday, July 29, 2013

Why Movies?

Hi everyone,

When it comes to movies, we all have different tastes. All of us have a genre of movies we prefer than other genres. But then there are movies, no matter what type of movies we prefer, we all can agree that they are simply awesome.

I've wanted to start a blog for a while, but it never happened until recently our English lecturer made blogging part of our course. Then again it was a question as to what I should write about. I thought of writing about movies, for one thing because, except for reading there's not much of anything I do frequently as watching movies. Another reason is when I am exhausted and stressed out, watching movies help me relax and cool down. But that is, if it's only a good movie. If you sat for about two hours watching a flop, you feel more exhausted. When it comes to the name of the blog, I named it as Movie Niche because movies are the "happy place" I can escape to amidst all other matters.

In this blog I intend to review movies which I think are good and worth watching. And I would try to minimize spoilers as much as possible, so in case you haven't watched the movie it wouldn't hinder your enjoyment.

Please feel free to leave feedback.


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